Paper Submission
***Happy New Year 2023 ***
***Call for Paper volume 12 Issue 1 January 2023***
The Journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence. For this purpose we would like to ask you to contribute your excellent papers in Sciences and Technology all fields. The International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology and Science encourages submission of innovative and which we will be enhance the original articles in all areas of Technology including Electonics, Computer, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engg, Chemical Engg ,Electronics and Telecommunications,Instrumentation ,and more
Review Process

The International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology and Science (IJIRTS) was developed for Engineering, Engineering Technology, and Industrial Technology professionals and is a highly-selective, refereed journal. Manuscripts that appear in the IJIRTS Articles section have been subjected to a tiered review process. This includes blind review by three or more members of the international editorial review board followed by a detailed review by the IJIRTS editors.Although feedback ordinarily will be given, the editors reserve the right to reject a manuscript for publication without a rationale for their decision.
Manuscript Requirements

The International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology and Science (IJIRTS) is a online publication, specifically for the Engineering , Technology and Science professions. Please note that all submissions to this journal -- such as an article submission, peer-review of documents and editing requests, as well as replies to authors regarding the status of their submissionsi will be handled electronically.
Following are the points why you choose Us:
Impact Factor |
4.363 |
We are a Trade Mark Journal.
We Are an Online Open Access Peer Reviewed International Journal.
IJIRTS does not compromise with quality of research.
IJIRTS has been provided ISSN :2321-1156
IJIRTS is popular International Journal in ASIA
Submitted paper in IJIRTS will be reviewed soon
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